The Cinematheque is my all-time favorite cinema! Here you can watch carefully chosen old and new movies in a program composed out of monthly themes from “David Bowie – the artist” to “Laurel and Hardy” or “Copenhagen Fashion Film” – you simply want to see it all, even though some are shown in the middle of the day or on a Sunday morning. Through the years I have enjoyed watching truly aesthetically beautiful movies, that never goes out of style, like Jean-Jacques Beinex’s Betty Blue and Luc Besson’s Le Grand Bleu – as well as I have watched interesting documentaries and listened to brilliant talks, e.g. at the celebration of the Bauhaus’ 100-year jubilee. I love that the Cinematheque is both nerdy, quirky, fun, modern – and important. And that your wine is served in a real glass that you can bring with you and enjoy in the red plush seats.
Cinemateket. Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen K