A nomad is traditionally a member of a group or a community without a fixed habitation. A nomad travels from place to place during her life, often in a circle, returning to a place according to season and crops. A travel circle alone can last for years. Moving along, a nomad only brings with her what she can carry and what is meaningful for her physical survival or her identity. By always decorating herself or her tent in the same way, it will feel like it is the World which has moved, not her. Today, it is possible for mankind to move like travellers without a final destination. Never having to return to a specific place, never to close the circle. We have become modern nomads, travelling the World in an instant, reaching far destinations, being present everywhere. More than ever before, this has made us aware of who we are, no matter where we are; to close the circle within ourselves in lack of the outer. And for this we need physical reminders and symbols. Hence the ‘Nomad’ collection.
“A jewellery has always represented something more than its monetary value. It tells a story about heritage, special occasions, or goals achieved. To me, the ‘Nomad’ collection is all of this, with the heritage being the nomad people from which we all descend. The design is based on the circle in which the nomads originally travelled, but twisted, showing that nothing is a given.”
“I have been developing the ‘Nomad’ collection over the last year. Inspired by all the nomads having to rethink their lives these years, where the World is changing rapidly. Where should they go, while the whole World was standing still, closing the boarders, holding its breath? And it occurred to me, that what I needed myself was a symbol of strength, a talisman, a signature, rather than random accessories. With the ‘Nomad’ collection I want to share this possibility of bringing yourself, no matter where you go.”
NOMAD is crafted by hand by Rebekka Notkin at the studio in Bredgade, Copenhagen.
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